急性上消化道出血是内科常见急症之一,而老年患者由于脏器的代偿功能差,发病时合并症多,急诊手术风险大,死亡率明显高于其他年龄人群。我们于1994年10月~1998年10月应用奥曲肽治疗58例急性上消化道出血的老年患者,取得较好疗效。1 对象与方法1.1 对象所有病例均为本院住院病人,全部于入院后24~48小时内行胃镜检查以明确诊断。观察组58例,男37例,女
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the common medical emergencies, while elderly patients due to organ compensatory function, morbidity and complications, emergency surgery risk, mortality was significantly higher than other age groups. We in October 1994 ~ October 1998 octreotide treatment of 58 cases of elderly patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and achieved good results. 1 Subjects and methods 1.1 All patients were hospitalized patients in our hospital, all within 24 to 48 hours after admission gastroscopy to confirm the diagnosis. Observation group of 58 patients, 37 males and 37 females