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首先概括介绍黑格尔庞大的哲学体系。重点介绍其美学体系的框架结构,是围绕“美是理念的感性显现”这个核心定义的层层展开:第一卷总论,论述美的理念如何一步步通过感性形式最后形成艺术美这样一个过程;第二卷艺术史,把世界艺术史概括为象征型→古典型→浪漫型三种类型的相继演进的历史过程;第三卷艺术作品分类,分为造型艺术→音乐艺术→诗艺这三大的艺术门类,其中“诗”(文学)又分为史诗、抒情诗、戏剧诗,戏剧诗是前两者的辩证综合。其次,以古希腊索福克勒斯的著名悲剧《安提戈涅》为例,重点介绍黑格尔的悲剧理论,主要体现在“伦理实体”、戏剧冲突和悲剧冲突三个概念上,笔者把他推崇的悲剧冲突概括为“两善两恶的冲突”说,对之进行了一分为二的评论。再次,介绍黑格尔对莎士比亚戏剧丰富深刻的评论。由于国内外对莎评史上黑格尔的莎评不够重视,没有给他应有的评价,笔者以大量例子证明了黑格尔莎评的独创性、深刻性,认为达到和超过了同时代莎评的水平,应该在莎评史上占有一席地位。 First outlines Hegel’s huge philosophy system. Focusing on the frame structure of its aesthetic system is around the core concept of “beauty is the perceptual manifestation of the concept of”: the first volume of the general theory, how the concept of beauty step by step through the perceptual form of the final form of beauty of the United States The second volume of art history, the world art history is summarized as the symbolic → classical → romantic three types of successive evolution of the historical process; the third volume of works of art is divided into plastic art → music → poetry The three major art categories, of which “poetry” (literature) is divided into epics, lyric poetry, drama poetry, drama poetry is the first two dialectical synthesis. Secondly, taking the famous tragedy of Antiochus in ancient Greece as an example, Hegel focuses on the tragedy theory of Hegel, mainly on the three concepts of “ethical entity”, drama conflict and tragedy conflict , The author summarized the tragedy conflict he respected as “the conflict between two goods and two evil”, saying that he made a dichotomous comment. Again, introduce Hegel’s rich and profound comments on Shakespeare’s drama. Due to the lack of attention paid to Hegel’s reviews in the history of Shakespearean history both at home and abroad, he has not given him due evaluation. The author has proved Hegel Shakespeare’s ingenuity and depth by a large number of examples, Evaluation of the level, Shakespeare history should occupy a seat.
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课堂是教师教和学生学的时空场所,是学校教育活动开展的重要舞台,课堂不仅仅是教师教书,学生学习的殿堂,更是教师生命价值的展现,学生性格、人性的养成的圣殿。 Classroom i
十一届三中全会以来 ,我国哲学发展 ,一方面 ,在实践和理论上取得了重大的历史性突破 ,已经走出了苏联 30年代的模式 ,具有当代高度和中国特色的马克思主义哲学形态正在酝酿
摘 要:“五四”前夕,中国近代文化的先驱者梁启超的美学思想,对“五四”运动的发生及其后的道德思想、艺术思想、民主思想等多方面领域新面貌的开辟具有重要的历史意义和深远的现实影响。尤其是在当时激烈的中西文化的冲撞交汇中,在救亡图存的爱国运动这一最重大,最急迫的目标之下,其理论的思想启蒙价值是巨大的。  关键词:梁启超;美学思想;中国近代文化;影响  作者简介:陈艳梅(1967.12-),女,沈阳大学思
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