The Way to an Economic Giant

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wskwugxk
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  【Abstract】How America turns into a economic giant from an agricultural to an industrial society is far more arduous and burdensome than how it turns into a world superpower. This paper holds that the second Industrial Revolution is the key period in shaping America evolved from a small agrarian country to an economic giant.
  【Key Words】industrial revolution; railoads; productivity
  World WarⅡpulled America out of economic trouble, letting America transform into a superpower in 4 four years, leaving war-ruined European and Asian countries far behind. However, the war is just a booster. In 1894, America was already the world’s top economic power. Therefore, developments during 1870-1900 play a critical role in shaping America into a world power.

I. Railroads and Steel

  The Second Industrial Revolution was characterized by the build out of railroads, large-scale iron and steel production. From 1860s, Americans vigorously built railroads to connect the West with the East, among them were the famous Pacific Railroad. Railroads finally reached Texas and trains ran across the continent. By the end of the 19th century, America had 200, 000 miles of railroad track. On one hand, it linked the local markets and created a national economy. Resources from the Midwest fed the country’s growing industries in the East. Over the next 40 years, the amount of freight carried by rail shot from 55 to 700 million tons. America overtook Britain as the largest manufacturer on earth, soon producing 30% of the world’s goods.
  On the other hand, the large demand for steel promoted the rise and brisk development of industrial areas in the Midwest, like steel industry in Chicago. Manufacturing expanded from New England to the West and heavy industries gradually played the major role. Therefore, this period witnessed the structural change of economy. In 1859, in the output value of industry and agriculture, agriculture occupied 63.8%, while in 1889, the figure fell to 22.5%.
  The railroads laid the basis for the creation of the single largest market in world economy. This made it possible for the US to become the global economic power by the end of the 19th century.

II. Growing Porductivity

  Besides, during the revolution, the productivity took a giant leap. Firstly, we should attributed it to those discoveries and inventions. Thomas Edison’s inventions ran through this period. His 2, 000 inventions deeply affected almost every aspect of human life. Light was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879. In just two years, Edison built more than 5, 000 power plants, bring electricity to major cities. By1902, sports, entertainment, factories, stores all could operate at night. As electricity came to cities, more and more people arrived with it.   The revolution witnessed the widespread use of machinery in manufacturing, the beginning of electrification, widespread use of the telegraph and use of petroleum. The invention of internal-combustion engines stimulated the exploitation oil. The discovery of oil in Texas heralded the beginning of Oil Age. Then cars were produced and under the influence of Fordism, cars were more affordable and popular. They transformed the lives of millions and greatly expanded their scope of activities. Cities exploded outward. Brand-new highways were built. That’s how America turned into a modern country in the 19th century.
  Secondly, the centralization of production and capital breed monopolies. New industries like electrical, chemical and oil industries asked for centralized production. The world-leading oil company Mobil is a good example. Monopolies were the inevitable outcome of the development of productive forces, and in turn, they further promoted production. The industrial revolution gave rise to plenty of new inventions. How to apply new technology into production was an urgent problem facing the country. In view of high risks and the lack of money, small or medium-sized companies were not able to make investments. Therefore, monopolies were the key in applying technological achievements to production process. Advanced machines were largely put into practice, which made possible the advent of standardized and mass production. If America let its market go with the flow, it may take far more time to get the same result. Plus the high tariffs, industry and commerce then enjoyed a period of prosperity, which laid the solid foundation for it to become the great arsenal during the World WarⅠand the world’s biggest creditor nation later. Cars, oil and skyscrapers played major roles in the prosperous nation.
【摘要】近年来,随着新型教学观念的推广,传统的教学模式逐渐遭到淘汰,各个学校开始探索新型教学方式,旨在促进学生的全面发展,这些新型教学方式在一定程度上激发了学生的学习兴趣,提升了学生的学习效率。在高中英语课堂教学中,传统的“满堂灌”也逐渐被“课堂互动”所取代,高中英语教学进入了一个新的发展阶段。  【关键词】课堂互动模式;高中英语;应用策略  【作者简介】吴永江(1979.10-),男,汉族,新疆
【摘要】初中英语在整个英语学习过程中起着桥梁作用,全面提升初中生的英语学习能力,培养自主学习能力,调动和激发学生的学习兴趣是我们教学的最终目标,本文介绍了自主学习在初中英语教学中的重要性,提出要改变传统的教学理念,调整教学策略,提高学生主体地位的方式方法,通过这种来方式提高学生的自主学习能力。  【关键词】初中英语;自主学习能力;培养策略  【作者简介】郭春兰,四川省南充七中。  作为学生学习过渡
【摘要】在建设创业型大学,培育应用型人才,服务海南省自由贸易区(港)建设中;在深化产教结合、校企合作的战略目标中,我校大学英语课程进行了改革性探讨。从大学英语听说模块教学入手,探索能力导向、项目伴随的教学模式,构建英语听说能力、专业能力、实操能力三位一体的模块化教学体系,运用项目伴随式和项目式翻转课堂等教学方法,培养既有跨国文化素养,又有专业实操能力的应用型服务人才。  【关键词】大学英语听说;听
【摘要】在小学英语阅读教学中,绘本阅读是一种非常重要的教学形式,以形象有趣的方式出现在学生面前,深受学生的喜爱,对学生英语阅读能力的提高有帮助。由于教材与绘本存在着差异,所以老师在进行教学时需要进行引导,让学生爱上绘本,喜欢阅读,产生对英语学习的兴趣。  【关键词】绘本;小学英语阅读;能力培养  【作者简介】王艳蕾,江苏省常州市勤业小学。  绘本内容丰富,内容多以图文形式存在,文章中采用简单的语句
【摘要】新形势下,诸多高中教师仍按照传统教学方式开展英语教育,且一味以教案为教学依托,忽视了知识点之间的衔接,增大了英语学习的难度,学生学习兴趣受到影响,英语教学效率难以保障。对此,在新高考背景下,探索影响高中英语教育的因素,针对性提出解决措施,营造良好的英语教学氛围,实现高中英语高效课堂,成为高中英语教学的必然趋势。对此,文章对高中英语教育展开探讨。  【关键词】新高考;高中英语教学;影响;建议
【摘要】在study skills教学实践中,有些学生的参与性不高,欠缺自觉探索和主动归纳的能力,不能自主地进行活学活用。自主能力差已间接制约了学生的发展。本文以一节Study skills教学课为例,尝试在初中英语教学中培养学生自主学习的能力。  【关键词】自主学习;study skills教学  【作者简介】王国英,苏州市阳山实验初级中学校。  人本主义自主学习理论代表罗杰斯提倡“以学生为中心
【摘要】心智哲学与语言认知之间有着紧密的关联性,而翻译活动本身也与心智哲学存在内在联系。心智哲学的研究重点主要是放在意向性和心身随附性上,核心是揭示人类认识客观世界和主观世界的一般规律。基于心智哲学视角下,对翻译的全过程进行系统剖析,并以古诗英译为例,对心智哲学视域下翻译过程的关注焦点进行研究,对古诗英译的全过程进行剖析,最终做到在英译方法上的理性思考。  【关键词】心智哲学;翻译过程;系统剖析;