
来源 :新课程学习(上) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:C_Adrian
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本节课是压强在空气中的表现。大气压是很重要的物理现象,它与生产和生活有着密切的联系。学生在日常生活中经常利用大气压,但对大气压的存在却并不清楚。所以,在授课时,首先可利用液体压强的知识,猜测大气压强的存在。其次,学生的感性认识多于理性,学习的动力和热情大多来自兴趣,所以在教学过程中采取以实验为基础,为探索问题的出发点,充分激发学生的学习热情,通过亲身实践,体验大气压的存在,使抽象的问题变得形象、具体,更易于学生理解和掌握。再次,通过解释生活实例,特别是抽水机的构造和原理,了解大气压在生产和生活中的重要性,强化了学生 This lesson is the performance of pressure in the air. Atmospheric pressure is a very important physical phenomenon, it is closely linked with the production and life. Students often use atmospheric pressure in their daily life, but the existence of atmospheric pressure is not clear. Therefore, when teaching, first of all, we can use the knowledge of liquid pressure to guess the existence of atmospheric pressure. Second, the students 'perceptions are more than rational. Most of the motivation and enthusiasm for learning come from the interest. Therefore, in the process of teaching, they take the experiment as the starting point to explore the issue, fully stimulate students' enthusiasm for learning, experience the atmospheric pressure through personal experience Existence, the abstract problem becomes an image, specific, easier for students to understand and master. Thirdly, understanding the importance of atmospheric pressure in production and life by explaining life examples, especially the structure and principle of the water pump, reinforces the students'
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 现将市体改委、经委《关于广州市国有企业经营者考评和优秀企业家评比奖励意见的请示》批转给你们,请遵照执行。市人民政府: 为推进我
童年是无忧无虑的,缤纷绚丽的。我时常想起小时候放风筝、摸鱼、做游戏的故事。是啊,谁不喜欢自己的童年呢? Childhood is carefree, colorful and colorful. I often think
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恢复神经的机能是口腔颌面外科的重要课题之一.虽然已报告了某些外科技术的良好效果,然而,由第三磨牙手术引起的舌神经损伤的修复仍然是难以解决的 The function of nerve
我科1973年~1986年收治口腔颌面间隙感染患者64例,现总结分析如下。 本组病例中,男34例,女30例。年龄最小1岁,最大70岁。发病年龄以10岁以下为最多占29例(45.3%),其次为21~50岁