研究教育与收入不平等之间的关系并非新的话题,很早以前就有学者关注这一问题。早在17世纪,威廉·配第就倡导教育的收入平等化作用。19世纪,美国公共教育之父霍瑞斯·曼(Horace Mann)提出,为了社会公平和扶助贫困,政府应该加强穷人的教育。近些年来,随着经济增长理论与经济发展理论的新进展以及新数据的出现,学术界对收入分配问题的研究兴趣又开始增加,关注的焦点主要集中在收入分配状况的决定因素和动态变化上。其中,作为人力资本重要的积累形式——教育与收入不平等之间的关系问题自然成为经济学界的一个热点问题。本文从理论研究和实证研究两个方面总结和评述近年来教育与收入不平等之间关系的研究。
The relationship between research education and income inequality is not a new topic, and scholars have long focused on this issue. As early as the 17th century, William Mathew advocated the equalization of education’s income. In the 19th century, Horace Mann, the father of public education in the United States, proposed that the government should step up education for the poor for social justice and poverty alleviation. In recent years, with the new progress of economic growth theory and economic development theory and the advent of new data, the academic interest in research on income distribution has begun to increase. The focus of attention is mainly on the determinants of income distribution and dynamic changes on. Among them, as an important form of accumulation of human capital - the relationship between education and income inequality has naturally become a hot issue in economics. This article summarizes and comments on the relationship between education and income inequality in recent years from two aspects of theoretical research and empirical research.