目的本文通过综合评价餐馆环境卫生质量的好坏,为卫生监督监测机构加强卫生监督监测提供依据。方法应用RSR法对影响餐馆环境卫生质量的9项指标进行综合评价。结果餐馆环境卫生质量为差档的占8.82%、偏差档占29.41%、中档占38.24%、偏优档占14.71%、优档占8.82%,显示新都区餐馆环境卫生质量存在较大差异。评价结果与实际情况较为吻合。结论 RSR法评价结果,能客观准确地反映餐馆环境卫生质量,对有关部门加强餐馆卫生管理,促进餐饮服务行业的健康发展具有参考价值。
The purpose of this article by comprehensive evaluation of the quality of restaurant sanitation quality, health supervision and monitoring agencies to strengthen monitoring and supervision provide the basis for health supervision. Methods The RSR method was used to evaluate the nine indicators that affect the quality of restaurant sanitation. Results The quality of restaurant sanitation was 8.82%, the deviation accounted for 29.41%, the middle accounted for 38.24%, the preference accounted for 14.71% and the premium accounted for 8.82%, indicating that the quality of restaurant sanitation in Xindu is quite different. Evaluation results and the actual situation is more consistent. Conclusion The results of RSR evaluation can objectively and accurately reflect the quality of restaurant environmental hygiene and have reference value for the relevant departments to strengthen restaurant health management and promote the healthy development of catering service industry.