我校是以高职教育为主的市属高等院校。近来随着高校招生规模不断扩大,致使被招收进来的学生的英语水平普遍偏低,甚至有的在中学阶段没有学过英语。然而,对学生教学要求又不能降低,即仍用大学英语课本,而且还要求学生考出好成绩。在这种情况下教学如何进行?这是摆在任课教师面前的一个难题。 1、借助测试激励学习。 学习英语理解固然重要,但是记忆至更加重要,这是语言学习有别于其他学科学习的一个方面。因为语言强调语感,而语感的
Our school is a higher vocational education-based municipal institutions of higher learning. Recently, with the continuous expansion of enrollment in higher education institutions, the enrollment of students is generally low in English, and even some have not learned English in secondary school. However, teaching requirements for students can not be reduced, that is, college English textbooks are still used, but also require students to test out the grades. In this case teaching how to proceed? This is placed in front of teachers in a difficult problem. 1, with the help of test motivation. Learning English understanding is important, but memory is even more important. This is one aspect of language learning that is different from learning in other disciplines. Because the language emphasizes language sense, and language sense