Phase evolution of tantalum nitride and tantalum carbide films with PBII parameters

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YYXINLEI
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Tantalum nitride and tantalum carbide films were fabricated using magnetron sputtering of tantalum followed by nitrogen and carbon plasma-based ion implantation (N-PBII and C-PBII).The phase evolution and morphology of the films were studied using glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).It was found that the main phase in the tantalum nitride films was crystalline TaN0.1 whose grain size increases with increasing implantation voltage and phase content increases with increasing implantation dose.In the tantalum carbide film,the main phase was Ta2C.TaC phase also appeared as the implantation dose increased.XRD results from various glancing angles show that the phases with high nitrogen or carbon content,Ta4N5 and TaC,are present in the surface of the films.X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) from the tantalum carbide film reveal that the surface carbon content is higher than that of the inner film. Tantalum nitride and tantalum carbide films were fabricated using magnetron sputtering of tantalum followed by nitrogen and carbon plasma-based ion implantation (N-PBII and C-PBII). The phase evolution and morphology of the films were studied using glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) .It was found that the main phase in the tantalum nitride films was crystalline TaN0.1 whose grain size increases with increasing implantation voltage and phase content increases with increasing implantation dose.In the tantalum carbide film , the main phase was Ta2C.TaC phase also appeared as the implantation dose increased. XRD results from various glancing angles show that the phases with high nitrogen or carbon content, Ta4N5 and TaC, are present in the surface of the films. X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) from the tantalum carbide film reveal that the surface carbon content is higher than that of the inner film.
目的 构建抗体F(ab′) 2 片段靶向的载药免疫毫微粒 ;评价F(ab′) 2 片段免疫毫微粒对肿瘤的特异结合性及杀伤作用。方法 采用异型双功能交联剂琥珀酰亚胺基 3 (2 吡啶
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