据亚洲开发银行预测,1994年亚洲发展中国家的平均经济增长率将达7.8%,超过1993年的7.5%。1995年也将维持在7.3%左右。 亚洲发展中国家现在是世界经济最具活力的地区,其人均产值增长速度近4年已超过其它地区2倍以上。高速增长应归功于高储蓄率、高投资、外向型贸易、开放的工业政策和政府赤字的灵活而有力的宏观经济政策。 中国的经济增长率1994年为
According to the forecast by the Asian Development Bank, the average economic growth rate of developing countries in Asia in 1994 will reach 7.8%, up from 7.5% in 1993. 1995 will also be maintained at about 7.3%. Asian developing countries are now the most dynamic areas in the world economy. Their output growth rate per capita has more than quadrupled the output of other regions in the past four years. Rapid growth is attributed to the flexible and potent macroeconomic policies of high savings rates, high investment, outward trade, open industrial policies and government deficits. China’s economic growth rate is 1994