This paper analyzes the phenomenon of warhead precession stop and discusses several hypotheses that cause this phenomenon. In this paper, both analytical solutions are given, and the results of six-degree-of-freedom simulation are also given. Except bullet roll zero, roll nearly zero and divergence of attack angle, there are four other kinds of aerodynamic excitation functions. These functions are all important because they result in so-called “fixed-space” configurations, where the lift vector is stationary in space. The four excitation functions are: (1) the trim torque fixed to the body axis in a high dynamic pressure environment is converted into a trim torque fixed to a wind shaft; (2) the warhead has a transient unstable instability aerodynamic stability derivative; (3) (4) The Magnus-type out-of-plane moment is combined with the moment fixed to the wind shaft caused by ablation hysteresis. When the above phenomenon occurs, the trajectory deviation will be large to the extent not allowed. According to the existing analytical and numerical results, the initial spin rate of the warhead plays a key role in the size and direction of the warhead spread. Finally, some ideas about the physical mechanism that may cause the warhead to stop moving forward are given.