黄河,我神往已久的母亲河,在陕西壶口我真正领略了她的壮观,她的神奇,她的变幻多姿,她飞流直下时的汹涌澎湃。 壶口,传说是当年大禹凿石导水之处。它位于陕西宜川县城东48公里处的晋陕大峡谷中,据说因黄河之水自上而下倾泄奔放,至此收束归槽形成投“壶”之势,故而得名。这里形成的瀑布是我国第二大瀑布,也是黄河上惟一的金黄色大瀑布。
Yellow River, my long-awaited mother river, in Hukou, Shaanxi I really appreciate her spectacular, her magical, her varied, she flew down the surging. Hukou, the legend is that Dayu Chisel stone aqueduct. It is located 48 kilometers east of Yichuan County, Shaanxi Province, the Shanxi-Shaanxi Grand Canyon, is said to be due to the Yellow River water dumping from top to bottom and unrestrained, so close to the formation of a pool cast “pot” potential, hence the name. The waterfall formed here is the second largest waterfall in China and also the only golden waterfall on the Yellow River.