本文以语言学领域评价理论(Martin&White 2005)情感子系统和计算机领域关于被评价对象的定义(Bloom2011)为基础,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,试图揭示危机新闻评论的情感评价特征。研究发现,危机评论的情感表达具有阶段性特征,而且它与危机评论议题的设置、被评价对象的选择关系密切。该研究将为中文危机评论研究提供一个新视角,也将为危机评论媒体如何正确引导舆论,政府如何及时了解公众观点,并制定有效危机政策、成功化解危机提供有益的范式和参考。
Based on the definition of object being evaluated in emotional subsystem and computer field (Bloom2011), this paper uses the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to try to reveal the emotional evaluation features of crisis news commentary. The study found that the emotional expression of crisis reviews has the characteristics of a period, and it is closely related to the selection of the object of evaluation of crisis criterions. The study will provide a new perspective for the study of Chinese crisis commentary and provide a useful paradigm and reference for the crisis commentary media on how to guide public opinion correctly, how the government can timely understand the public opinion, formulate effective crisis policies and successfully resolve the crisis.