I. Comprehensive Prosperity Index The final value of the comprehensive prosperity index of the chemical industry in August 2015 is 98.21. The initial index of September prosperity index is expected to be 98.02, down 0.19 points from August, slightly downwards. In August, the three sub-indices (seasonally adjusted to remove the seasonally-influenced factors) that make up the climate index of the chemical industry continued the trend in July compared with that in July: the profit sub-index plummeted, the price sub-index rebounded, and the production sub-index A slight rebound. The specific trend shown in Figure 1. Second, the comprehensive early warning index is expected in September chemical industry warning index continued to run in the green zone, the initial value of a slight drop in August compared with 0.36 points, early warning index was 22.94, light blue light area warning line 0.94 points. The specific trend shown in Figure 2.