目的 :探讨不同药物对不稳定心绞痛的疗效观察。方法 :47例不稳定心绞痛患者分为常规组和治疗组 ,常规组采用低分子右旋糖酐 5 0 0ml+丹参 2 0ml治疗 ,治疗组采用硝酸甘油 10mg +灯盏花素注射液 40ml加入 5 %GS 2 5 0ml,7天为一疗程。结果 :常规组 3 1例 ,有效率 45 .2 % ;治疗组 16例 ,有效率 87.5 % (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :硝酸甘油 +灯盏花素注射液对不稳定心绞痛显示较好疗效。
Objective: To investigate the effect of different drugs on unstable angina pectoris. Methods: 47 patients with unstable angina pectoris were divided into conventional group and treatment group. Conventional group was treated with low molecular dextran 500ml and Salvia miltiorrhiza 20ml. The treatment group was treated with nitroglycerin 10mg + breviscapine injection 40ml and added 5% GS 250ml , 7 days for a course of treatment. Results: The conventional group of 31 cases, 45.2% effective rate; treatment group, 16 cases, the effective rate was 87.5% (P <0.01). Conclusion: Nitroglycerin + breviscapine injection shows a good effect on unstable angina pectoris.