
来源 :清史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:requst2009
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ZhangJian’s polititcal pursuits included three aspects: promoting political improvements to make his country prosperous and powerful ;carrying out reform gradually; maintaining political stablity There were three motivations for these pursuits:the inspiration of patriotism,the drive of economic interests and the influence of social relations. The cornerstone of Zhang’s program was a constitu tional monarchy,which was undoubtedly an improvement, and therefore accorded with the demands of the times. However, Zhang could not overcome the limitations, of his class status, his knowledge and his personality,so his political in clination tended to be conservative and moderate ZhangJian’s polititcal pursuits included three aspects: promoting political improvements to make his country prosperous and powerful; carrying out reform sth .; holding political stablity There are three motivations for these pursuits: the inspiration of patriotism, the drive of economic interests and the influence of social relations . The cornerstone of Zhang’s program was a constitu tional monarchy, which was undoubtedly an improvement, and therefore accorded with the demands of the times. However, Zhang could not overcome the limitations, of his class status, his knowledge and his personality, so his political in clination tended to be conservative and moderate
摘 要: 教师要上好一堂数学课,应从生活经验入手,创设情境,活跃课堂气氛;巧设问题情境,激发学生的学习兴趣;让学生通过动手实践从感性认识上升到理性认识;实行民主教学,开展轻松和谐的师生双边活动。  关键词: 数学课 生活经验 巧设问题 动手实践 民主教学  对于一名合格的教师来说,除了要备好课以外,关键还要上好课。因为备课直接关系到教学效果,教师上课的目的就是通过指导,使学生通过思维活动获得知识和