在荷兰,创意是一种生活方式,每个人对设计都有很高的品位和素养。2013年北京国际设计周的主办城市是荷兰阿姆斯特丹。随着荷兰知名艺术家弗洛伦泰因·霍夫曼的“大黄鸭”游进北京,向来以创新、前卫、富于现代感与别具幽默感而在全球设计界独树一帜的荷兰设计再次走入我们的视线。荷兰鹿特丹布宁根博物馆馆长、杰出设计师威廉·克罗威尔(William Crosswell)曾说:“只有依靠设计,我们才能使我们的国家成为一个可以日日生存的地方。”可见设计在荷兰被重视的程度。而这种重视,与其说是来自官方政府机构,不如说是来自荷兰人、荷兰设计师追求自由,率真生活的本性。设计在荷兰,不仅仅是职业、行业,更是艺术,是生活。
In the Netherlands, creativity is a way of life, everyone has a high degree of design and literacy. The host city of 2013 Beijing International Design Week is Amsterdam, the Netherlands. With the famous Dutch artist Florentine Hoffman swimming in Beijing, Dutch design, which has always been unique in global design circles with innovation, avant-garde, modernity and a sense of humor, Into our sight. William Crosswell, director of the Buungan Museum in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, once said: “Only by design can we make our country a place where we can survive everyday.” Visible Design The degree of attention in the Netherlands. And this emphasis, not so much from the official government agencies, but from the Dutch, Dutch designers in pursuit of freedom, the true nature of life. Design in the Netherlands, not just work, industry, it is art, is life.