人们在电视上经常可以看到非洲大陆北部人们生活的艰辛和苦难,然而谁又会想到在苏丹的一个难民营里竟走出了一位世界级的黑名模,她就是今年才20露头的亚莉克·维克。近几年,人们经常可以在巴黎、纽约、米兰等世界时装之都的时装秀上发现她的踪迹。 一位欧洲时装杂志的女编辑耶娜在谈到亚莉克·维克出道的经过时如是说,“亚莉克·维克是时装模特儿掮客在街头挖掘出的。”而亚莉克·维克也坦承道,“大约是在一年之前,当我在街头行走时,突然行人走上前问我想不想当模特儿。记得我当时对这突如其来的问话简直惊得不知所措。要知道我一直在难民营里生活,整天为生存而挣扎着,压根儿也没有想过当模特儿。
One can often see the hardships and misery of living in the northern part of the continent on television. However, one would think that in a camp in the Sudan, he actually stepped out of a world-class blacksmith. She is only 20 this year. Ke Weike. In recent years, people often find her on fashion shows in the fashion capital of the world such as Paris, New York and Milan. Jenna, the editor-in-chief of a European fashion magazine, remarked on the passage of Alexei Vik, “Alich Wick is a fashion model photographer digging out in the streets.” And Alex Vik also admits, "About a year ago, when I was walking on the streets, I was suddenly surprised when pedestrians walked up and asked me if I wanted to be a model. I know I have been living in refugee camps, struggling to survive all day, never thought of as a model.