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全国研究院所联谊会第11次改革研讨会于今年10月15日至19日在文化古城扬州召开。来自全国各省、市、自治区的科研院所和一些地方科委的代表共172人参加了会议。其中院所长62名,应邀与会的扬州地区企业代表12人。国家科委顾问、全国研究院所联谊会名誉顾问谢绍明,国家科委体制改革与管理研究所所长、联谊会顾问董劲生,以及国家科委体改司、条件财务司有关同志,江苏省科委副主任王永顺,扬州市副市长朱光昌、科委主任卢穗民等参加了会议。谢绍明同志为会议做了关于深化科技体制改革的专题报告,受到与会同志们的重视。会议以省、市、自治区、县地方科研院所体制改革为主题。大会小会讨论的热点是技术经济承包制与调控措施、技工贸一体化的实践效果与问题分析、经济自立和科研院所进入企业、长入企业的实践与发展问题,以及深化地方科研院所改革的具体措施与政策建议。 The 11th Reform Seminar of the Association of National Institutes of Fragrance was held in Yangzhou, the ancient cultural city, from October 15 to 19 this year. A total of 172 representatives from scientific research institutes of various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China and some local science and technology commissions attended the meeting. Among them, 62 were director of institutes, and 12 were business representatives from Yangzhou who were invited to attend the conference. Hsieh Shaoming, consultant of the State Science and Technology Commission, honorary consultant of the National Institute of Societies, Xie Jinming, director of the Institutional Reform and Management Institute of the State Science and Technology Commission, and Dong Jinsheng, consultant of the Fellowship Association, as well as relevant comrades of the State Development and Reform Commission and the Conditions Finance Department of the State Science and Technology Commission. Wang Yongshun, deputy director, Zhu Guangchang, vice mayor of Yangzhou, Lu Suimin, director of Science and Technology Commission, attended the meeting. Comrade Xie Shaoming made a special report on deepening the reform of the scientific and technological system for the conference and got the attention of participating comrades. The conference focused on the institutional reform of scientific research institutes in provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and counties. The focus of the small meeting of the General Assembly is the technical and economic contracting system and control measures, the integration of technology, industry and trade, the practical effects and problems analysis, economic self-reliance and scientific research institutes into the business, the growth of enterprises practice and development issues, as well as deepen the local research institutes The specific measures for reform and policy recommendations.
小灰兔蹦蹦跳跳来到小松树下,对小松鼠说:“你快下来,我们一块采蘑菇去,听说蘑菇又鲜又嫩,营养特别丰富,吃了可补身体啦。” 小松鼠一边从树上下来一边说:“我从未采过蘑菇,
第八届国际振动与模态分析会议(IMAC)暨仪器展览于1990年1月29日至2月1日在美国Florida 州 Kissimmee 城举行.有22个国家600余名代表参加了会议。大会收到论文摘要409篇,最
一目前,计算机已经得到广泛的应用,计算机的功能也越来越强大。譬如,CRAY Y-MP计算机采用浮点计算,计算速度已经达到每秒36亿次。许多复杂的计算问题得到解决(如气象预报、
重视思维能力的培养是小学语文教学的一项重要任务。因此,根据教材内容的内在联系,在听说读写过程中,发挥联想作用是培养学生思维能力的一个重要方法。 联想是人的一种心理