项目的管理是个系统工程,是施工企业整体管理水平的集中体现。要实现项目效益的最大化,必须从系统的角度着眼,从提高企业的整体管理水平着手。 一、要从决策优化上,为实现项目效益最大化创造条件 项目承揽及揽后用什么方式去管的决策,虽然不属于项目的直接管理,但却能从前提上制约项目的效益。因此,要实现项目效益的最大化,必须先优化关于项目的决策。 1.要优化项目的投标决策。有些项目由于投标决策失误,未干就形成了必亏的局面,尽管在施工过程中强化了管理,也无力回天。因此,要追求项目效益的最大化,必须先从优化项目的投标决策做起。要优化项目的投标决策,一是应不断加强企业的经营战略与策略,
The management of the project is a systematic project that reflects the overall management level of the construction company. In order to maximize the benefits of the project, we must focus on the system and start with improving the overall management level of the company. First, from the decision-making optimization, to create the conditions for the realization of the project to maximize the efficiency of the project contracting and after what way to manage the decision-making, although not a direct management of the project, but it can constrain the benefits of the project from the premise. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits of the project, it is necessary to optimize the decision on the project first. 1. To optimize the project’s bid decision. In some projects, due to mistakes in bid decisions, a situation of inevitability has emerged, and despite the strengthening of management during the construction process, it has been unable to return to heaven. Therefore, in order to maximize the benefits of the project, it is necessary to start with the bidding decision for optimizing the project. To optimize project bid decisions, one must continue to strengthen the company’s business strategy and strategy.