Effect of BMPs on hematopoietic injury of acute radiation sickness in mice

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong560
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Objective: To investigate the effect of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) on hematopoietic injury of acute radiation sickness in mice. Methods: Mice were subjected to whole-body 60Co γ ray irradiation, then bpBMP was put into spatium intermusculare or rhBMP-2m, PBK/ hBMP-2 -NIH3T3 cells were injected into abdominal cavity. The effect of BMPs on hematopoiesis including some hematological parameters, the survival rate of 30 d and formation of bone marrow CFU-GM colony were detected at postradiation. Results: pbBMP (purified bovine bone morphogenetic protein) increased the formation of bone marrow CFU-GM colony (P<0. 05) on d 10 after irradiation. rhBMP-2m increased the survival rate of mice irradiated by 7. 5 Gys Mice in control group died in 30 days, while 10%, 15% and 35% mice survived when they were injected i. p. with 0. 5 mg, 1. 0 mg and 2. 0 mg of rhBMP-2m respectively. All hematological parameters of treated mice were significantly higher than those of control group (P<0. 01). PBK/ hBMP-2 -NIH3T3 Methods: Mice were subjected to whole-body 60Co γ ray irradiation, then bpBMP was put into spatium intermusculare or rhBMP-2m, PBK The effect of BMPs on hematopoiesis including some hematological parameters, the survival rate of 30 d and formation of bone marrow CFU-GM colony were detected at postradiation. Results: pbBMP (purified bovine / hBMP-2-NIH3T3 cells were injected into abdominal cavity. bone morphogenetic protein increased the formation of bone marrow CFU-GM colony (P <0. 05) on d 10 after irradiation. rhBMP-2m increased the survival rate of mice irradiated by 7.5 Gys Mice in control group died in 30 days , while 10%, 15% and 35% mice survived when they were injected ip with 0. 5 mg, 1.0 mg and 2.0 mg of rhBMP-2m respectively. All hematological parameters of treated mice were significantly higher than those of control group (P <0. 01). P BK / hBMP-2-NIH3T3
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