癌性胸水的治疗,以往我们常常是在胸水较多,引起患者呼吸困难时,采取反复穿刺抽液的方法。这种方法,只是暂时缓解症状,且越抽胸水生长越快。后来我们试用过胸腔内注入丝裂霉素、类固醇和中药“化肉藤注射液”等,疗效均不满意。近来我们试用胸腔注入四环素,效果显著。现将其方法简要介绍,以供参考。一、用品: 1.胸穿包一件; 2.直径4mm的套管穿刺针(可用17号肝穿针)一个; 3.直径3mm、长30~50cm的软管一根;
For the treatment of cancerous pleural effusion, in the past, we often used pleural effusions when the pleural effusion was too high, causing patients with difficulty in breathing. This method only temporarily alleviates the symptoms, and the more you pump thoracic water, the faster you grow. Later, we tried to inject intramuscular injection of mitomycin, steroids, and traditional Chinese medicine “Cinnamon Vine Injection”. The efficacy was not satisfactory. Recently we tried to inject tetracycline into our chest cavity. The method is briefly introduced for reference. First, supplies: 1. A thoracic wear a package; 2. Diameter 4mm cannula puncture needle (can be used on the 17th liver needle); 3. Diameter 3mm, length 30 ~ 50cm hose;