一、完善机制添动力 政工课题研究是一项系统工程,无论是调查研究、论文写作,还是成果的试验和推广都离不开基层干部职工的密切配合。尤其是随着改革的不断深入,思想政治工作面临着许多新情况、新问题,汉中线桥段在实践中感到要深入开展政研工作,如果仅靠这几名政工干部是远远不够的。2001年该段修订
First, improve the mechanism to add impetus Political research is a systematic project, whether it is research, thesis writing, or the results of the trial and promotion are inseparable from the grass-roots cadres and workers in close cooperation. Especially with the continuous deepening of reform, ideological and political work faces many new situations and new problems. In Hanzhong Line Bridge, it is felt in practice that it is necessary to carry out further political and scientific work. It is far from enough to rely solely on these political cadres. The paragraph was revised in 2001