The transfer function method was used to analyze the pulmonary artery pressure measured by left ventricular catheter in 30 patients with Forresse’s disease. The crossover frequency corresponding to the main pole of the system transfer function was obtained. The results showed that there was a good linear relationship (r = 0.898 and 0.810) between the mean pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary wedge pressure and the inverse T_2 of the crossover frequency, and between the average pulmonary artery pressure and the reciprocal T_1 of the corresponding crossover frequency. . The physiological significance of T_2 and T_1 are respectively the ratio of total time constant of pulmonary artery and pulmonary circulation to cardiac cycle. Since time constants can be approximated by other noninvasive methods, the results in this paper can be used to indirectly estimate the mean pulmonary artery pressure and the difference between pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary wedge pressure.