玉溪市红塔区私营企业党的建设,在玉溪市是属于起步较早的。经过近6年的探索和实践,已经有了一个良好的开端。到2001年12月20日,按照《党章》规定,应建立党组织的私营企业46个,已建立党支部的40个,其中大部分是一户企业建立的党支部。但私营企业党的建设仍然显得薄弱,是处于起步阶段、试点水平。如何加强私营企业党建工作,在理论和实践上都存在一些亟待解决的问题。主要是: 一、对抓好私营企业党的建设,思想上重视不够,工作中力度不够。有少数私营企业具备建立党组织的条件但未建立党组织,其原因,从主观上看,一是一些党组织和领导同志对抓好私营企业党的建设的重要
Yuxi Hongta District private enterprise party building, in Yuxi City is part of an earlier start. After nearly 6 years of exploration and practice, there has been a good start. By December 20, 2001, in accordance with the “Constitution of the Party,” 46 private-owned enterprises should be established and 40 branches and branches have been established, most of which are the branches of a single enterprise. However, the construction of the party in the private sector is still weak and is at an initial stage and at a pilot level. How to strengthen party building in private enterprises? There are some problems to be solved both in theory and in practice. Mainly: First, do a good job in the construction of the private enterprise party, not enough attention in thinking, not enough strength in their work. There are a few private enterprises that have the conditions for establishing a party organization but have not established a party organization. The reason is that subjectively, the first is the importance of some party organizations and leading comrades in grasping the construction of a private enterprise party