
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dsfaxfdsrfdx
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长期以来,关于幼儿寝室的布置一直众说不一。较多的人认为,幼儿寝室不宜美化、装饰。所以,单调的白色,空荡荡的四壁便成了幼儿寝室固定不变的格调。我们认为幼儿寝室是可以适当加以美化和装饰的。这里仅就寝室墙面的布置谈点看法。寝室的墙壁,通常都涮成白色。白色固然素洁、安静,但长期生活在白色的世界里,不免使人产生孤独、压抑。在墙壁上适当巧妙地进行点缀,可以给呆板的房间增添生气,使寝室变得温馨、安详,使幼儿感到温暖、舒适。这就要求寝室的墙面,从色彩的搭配、图画的结构、内容的选择等方面,都要做到符合幼儿生理和心理特点,有利于幼儿睡眠。 For a long time, there has been a lot of talk about the layout of toddlers’ sleeping rooms. More people think that children’s bedroom should not be landscaping, decoration. So, monotonous white, empty walls have become a child’s bedroom fixed style. We think that the children’s bedroom can be properly landscaped and decorated. Here only talk about the layout of the bedroom wall talk. The walls of the bedroom, usually shabu white. While white is simple and quiet, but long-term living in a white world, inevitably lead to loneliness, depression. Appropriately cleverly embellished on the wall, you can add a dull room angry, so that the bedroom becomes warm and serene, so that children feel warm and comfortable. This requires bedroom walls, from the color with the structure of the picture, the choice of content, etc., must be consistent with the physiological and psychological characteristics of children, is conducive to early childhood sleep.
今年五月,我随安徽省特殊教育考察团赴香港。我们参观了幼儿园、儿童早期教育训练中心等。香港的幼儿一体化教育给我们留下了深刻的印象。 In May this year, I went to Hong
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我们把我院 1997- 0 1~ 2 0 0 1- 0 2经电子肠镜检查及病理证实的大肠癌 416例进行了回顾性分析 ,以便为大肠癌患者的诊治提供参考。1 临床资料本组男 2 45例 ,女 171例 ,男
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一天晚上,丽丽的铅笔盒里发出了不停的吵闹声。尺子说:“这里我最大。因为我能帮小主人量直线,所以我最大!”尺子的话 One night, Lily's pencil box made a constant rattl