Female patient, 28 years old, because of black one week, with dizziness, fatigue 5d to our hospital. Physical examination: BP11 / 7kPa, body weight loss, severe anemia appearance, no liver palms and spider nevus, heart, lung no abnormalities, abdominal soft, no tenderness and mass, . Past deny gastrointestinal symptoms. Laboratory tests: Hb60g / L, fecal occult blood (++), plasma total protein 50g / L, albumin 34g / L, normal renal function. Abdominal B-no abnormalities seen. Upper gastrointestinal barium meal perspective: gastric confined mucosal disorders and seems to be a shadow. Gastroscopy showed: gastric mucosal folds can be seen, and visible polypoid mucosal uplift, the surface can be seen bleeding erosion or bleeding. Biopsy showed: mucosal thickening, gastric recession and gland atrophy, duct dilatation. Tip: Huge gastric mucosal hypertrophy.