在姹紫嫣红、争奇斗妍的中国模特界,有这样一位模特:她靓丽、聪慧、娇艳、迷人,然而,为了在佳丽如云、群星荟萃的模特界脱颖而出,打拼出一方属于自己的天空,她挑战传统、忍痛剃掉一头瀑布般迷人的秀发,勇敢地向世人展示女性独特的光头之美。她的出现,犹如一道惊雷响过,令看一惯了秀发飘飘、丽影袅袅的观众们备感耳目一新。涌向她的既有喝彩与掌声,也有误解与尴尬,但她最终以另类、前卫、反叛、时尚的独特魅力,征服了模特界,令圈内圈外人对她刮目相看。一时间,她成了众多媒体追逐的新闻人物。经过一番周折后,被誉为“中国第一位光头女模特”的毛毛终于接受了记者对她的采访。飞翔缘于美丽的梦想说起来你也许根本不信,在毛毛走上 T 型台前,她的职业与模特典雅、时
In the colorful, controversial fight Yeon models in China, there is such a model: she is beautiful, bright, beautiful, charming, however, in order to be beautiful, the stars gathered in the modeling industry come to the fore, spell out one belongs to their own sky, She challenged the tradition, reluctantly shaved a waterfall of charming hair, courageously to show the world the unique beauty of the female bald. Her appearance, like a thunderous rang, so that the habit of watching the hair fluttering, Li Ying curl audience feel refreshing. There was misunderstanding and embarrassment as her applause and applause both flocked to her. However, she finally conquered the modeling world with the unique charm of avant-garde, rebellious and fashionable style, so that she could be admired by outsiders in the circle. For a time, she became the media figure chasing many media. After some twists and turns, known as “China’s first bald female model ” plush finally accepted a reporter interviewed her. Flying due to beautiful dreams, you may not believe it, in the plush T-stage, her career and model elegant, when