Oligohydramnios is more clinically rare than polyhydramnios, prenatal examination, the diagnosis is more difficult, easy to neglect, and thus found a lower rate. Generally considered less than 500 ml amniotic fluid is called oligohydraemia, and we in the past clinical observation, often as few as tens of milliliters. Oligohydramnios usually found only in childbirth, often found not timely, handling more slowly, causing the fetus in the uterus asphyxia, severe cases of fetal death after delivery, the light due to inhalation of large amounts of cloudy amniotic fluid, May cause neonatal aspiration pneumonia. Causes of fetal oligohydramnios as a result of oligohydramnios during childbirth It has been pointed out in the research work (?) That the blood pressure of the umbilical vein is usually equal to 50-60 cm (water column) at intermittent constrictions. During the first stage of labor scoliosis, umbilical blood pressure often in 50-90-