为了避免因机车烧轴造成的事故和损失,很有必要随车、随时检测各轴轴温。为此,我们研制成功了一台由单片微型计算机控制的智能化自动轴温测试仪表,在实际使用中取得了满意的效果。一、系统主要功能 1.能巡回检测机车各轴承的轴温,明确指出各轴位及相应的温度值。整个机车测量12个轴温,外加一环境温度,共计13个点,并且留有更大的扩充余量。 2.当轴温超过规定极限值时,明确指出该轴承已经过荷,可能立即烧损,这时发生报警信号,并指
In order to avoid accidents caused by locomotive shaft burn and loss, it is necessary with the car, at any time to test the shaft temperature. To this end, we have successfully developed a microcomputer controlled by a single intelligent automatic temperature axis test instrument, in actual use has achieved satisfactory results. First, the main function of the system Able to test the locomotive bearing temperature, clearly pointed out that the corresponding axis and the temperature value. The entire locomotive measured 12 axis temperature, plus an ambient temperature, a total of 13 points, and leave a greater margin for expansion. 2. When the shaft temperature exceeds the specified limit, it is clear that the bearing has been overloaded and may burn immediately, when an alarm signal occurs, and means