近年来,在我国兴起了气功热。气功爱好者、练习者增加很多,一时间,各种传统功法、新创功法、气功大师、教派传人纷纷涌出,其中不乏欺世盗名、贻误他人者。但对于作为我国几千年来传统养生法的气功,还是应予肯定。学练气功,若能选择科学的功法、明理的教师,加上持之以恒,必可身心有得。 有很多初学者,经过一段时间练功,觉得收获不大,认为气功难于掌握。究其原因,或因所学之功道理不通,所拜之师道理不明;或因学者未能掌握练功之基本要领,即松、静、自然,未能在此基本要领指导下入静。 一、入静的内涵和作用
In recent years, the rise of Qigong in our country. Qigong lovers, practitioners increased a lot, for a time, all kinds of traditional Gong Gong, new Creativity, Qigong masters, sectarian succession have gushed out, many of whom deceive the world, delaying others. However, it should still be affirmed that Qigong, as the traditional regimen of health in our country for thousands of years, must be affirmed. Learn Qigong, if you can choose the scientific method of law, sensible teachers, coupled with perseverance, will be able to win. There are many beginners, after a period of practice, I feel little gain, that qigong difficult to grasp. The reasons for this, or because of what they have learned, can not be justified, or because the scholars failed to grasp the basic essentials of practice, namely, calm, calm and natural, failing to follow the basic guidelines. First, into the meaning and role of static