This article briefly describes the basic theory of vacuum CVD technology, highlighting the technology used in semiconductor devices processing boron, phosphorus and arsenic oxide source, silicon dioxide film, silicon tetrachloride - ammonia - nitrogen deposition of silicon nitride Film and thermal decomposition of silane deposition polycrystalline silicon film and other technical problems. Provides a variety of film production process using the typical data (for reference only). The uniformity of the film thickness, the control and uniformity of the doped layer concentration and the surface condition of the film were analyzed and discussed. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the most prominent advantages of various types of films used in semiconductor devices fabricated by the reduced-pressure CVD technique are high film thickness uniformity (up to 1 to 3%), high density mounting (Production up to 10 cm in the temperature zone can hold 40). Therefore, the vacuum CVD technology in the current large-scale integrated circuits, microwave semiconductor devices is a very worthy of attention to process technology.