台州地区位于浙江东南部,所辖临海、仙居、黄岩、玉环、天台、三门、温岭、椒江等六县二市,境内山脉纵横,河流交叉,地形比较复杂,积水面积广泛,常年气候温和,雨量充沛。我们按山区、平原、丘陵、沿海、岛屿及城镇六种生境类型,选27个调查点和529个孳生地进行调查,共采到8属 16 亚属47种。 一、按蚊属 按蚊亚属:环股按蚊(林氏按蚊),中华按蚊,贵阳按蚊,类中华按蚊:塞蚊亚属:微小
Taizhou area is located in southeastern Zhejiang Province, under the jurisdiction of the Linhai, Xianju, Huangyan, Yuhuan, Tiantai, Sanmen, Wenling, Jiaojiang six counties and two cities, the territory of the vertical and horizontal mountains and rivers cross the river, the terrain is more complex, water area, perennial climate Gentle, abundant rainfall. We surveyed 27 investigation points and 529 breeding places on the basis of six habitat types in mountainous areas, plains, hills, coastal areas, islands and cities, and collected 47 species of 16 genera and 8 genera. Anopheles Anopheles Subgenus: Anopheles loop (An. Linus), Anopheles sinensis, Anopheles Guiyang, Anopheles sinensis: Cyprinus Subgenus: tiny