【摘 要】
泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》中有美诗如斯:If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.(如果你因为错过了太阳而哭泣,那么你也将错过繁星。)而“用青春追逐繁
泰戈尔的《飞鸟集》中有美诗如斯:If you shed tears when you miss the sun,you also miss the stars.(如果你因为错过了太阳而哭泣,那么你也将错过繁星。)而“用青春追逐繁星”正是上海行政管理学校查正和校长对学子们的殷殷期许——“虽然现行的考试制度没能让你们按照意愿进入普通教育,但在我看来,职业教育与普通教育只有类型之别,而无高下之分。我希望你们不要只在被关上的门后流连忘返,我希望你们快步走到已打开的窗前仰望星辰。”
If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars. (If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will also miss the stars.) And “ Chasing the stars with youth ”It is the administration of Shanghai School Correctional and principals earnestly for students - “ Although the current examination system failed to allow you to enter the general education as you wish, but in my opinion, vocational education and general There is only a difference between education and education, and I hope you will not linger after the closed doors only, and I hope you will walk to the open window and look forward to the stars. ”
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摘 要: 新课程改革需要构建和谐的师生关系。新型的师生关系应该是教师和学生在人格上是平等的,在交互活动中是民主的,在相处的氛围中是和谐的。因此,教师在工作中要关爱、尊重、欣赏、信任学生,并且改变自己,提高自身修养。 关键词: 新课改 和谐师生關系 注意点 新课程改革改变了学生的生活,也改变了教师的生活。那么,如何建立和谐的、新型师生关系呢?在十几年的教育工作中,我体会到构建和谐师生关系应注意以