在对传统CMOS带隙电压基准源电路分析和总结的基础上,综合一级温度补偿、电流反馈和电阻二次分压技术,提出了一种10-ppm/oC低压CMOS带隙电压基准源。采用差分放大器作为基准源的负反馈运放,简化了电路的设计,放大器的输出用于产生自身的电流源偏置,提高了电源抑制比(PSRR)。整个电路采用TSMC 0.35mm CMOS工艺实现,采用Hspice进行仿真,仿真结果证明了基准源具有低温度系数和高电源抑制比。
Based on the analysis and summary of the traditional CMOS bandgap voltage reference circuit, a 10-ppm / oC low-voltage CMOS bandgap voltage reference is proposed based on the first-order temperature compensation, current feedback and resistor secondary voltage division. A negative feedback operational amplifier that uses a differential amplifier as a reference simplifies circuit design. The output of the amplifier is used to generate its own current source bias and improves PSRR. The entire circuit using TSMC 0.35mm CMOS technology to achieve, the use of Hspice simulation, the simulation results show that the reference source with low temperature coefficient and high power supply rejection ratio.