例 患者熊某某,男,34岁,病历号10452,因胸闷5年,加重伴心悸半个月于94年12月5日入院。病程中无晕厥史。查体:血压16/10Kpa,口唇无发绀,颈静脉无怒张,心界略向左扩大,无震颤,心率:80次/分,心尖区第一心音低钝,心尖区可闻及2/6级柔和的吹风样杂音,肝、脾肋下未触及,双下肢无浮肿。胸片:提示左室稍增大,心胸比率(52%)。 多数导联T波倒置,TV_2倒置达15mm,RV_5+SV_1=40mm。 Ⅰ、aVL、V_2-V_5T波倒置,V_2倒置深达15毫米,RV_5+SV_1=4.0cm,M超声心动图示:心尖间隔自前连续根部向心尖渐次增厚,左室流出道16mm,二尖瓣前叶无特征性收缩期前向运动(SAM),左室长轴切面示心尖近端室间隔厚达28mm室间隔上部12mm,中部厚6.3mm,心尖部心腔狭小,呈“铲形”,多普勒测定无分流频谱,左室流出道无收缩期湍流。
Xiong Moumou patients, male, 34 years old, medical record number 10452, due to chest tightness for 5 years, increased with palpitation half a month on December 5, 94 admission. No history of syncope in the course of the disease. Physical examination: blood pressure 16 / 10Kpa, no cyanotic lips, no jugular vein engorgement, heart slightly to the left to expand, no tremor, heart rate: 80 beats / min, apical low first blunt heart, apex area can be heard and 2 / 6 soft hair-like noise, liver, spleen ribs untouched, no swelling of both lower extremities. X-ray: Tip left ventricular slightly increased, cardiothoracic ratio (52%). Most lead T wave inversion, TV_2 upside down up to 15mm, RV_5 + SV_1 = 40mm. Ⅰ, aVL, V_2-V_5T wave inversion, V_2 inversion depth of 15 mm, RV_5 + SV_1 = 4.0cm, M echocardiography: apical interval from the anterior continuous root to the apical thickening, left ventricular outflow tract 16mm, mitral valve Anterior systolic anterior systolic motion (SAM), left ventricular long axis view of the apical proximal ventricular septal thickness of 28mm above the superior ventricular septum 12mm, the central thickness of 6.3mm, the apex of the heart chamber narrow, was “shovel-shaped” Doppler measured no shunt spectrum, left ventricular outflow tract no systolic turbulence.