自从iPhone 6全球首发以来,国人在世界各地掀起了“抢购热潮”。不但远赴澳洲彻夜排队,而且还在日本因抢购纠纷引发警力维安。不知iPhone 6有着怎样的魔力,让国人如此疯狂?曾经,17岁少年卖肾买iPhone的新闻让人心悸不已,如今iPhone 6上市热度依然不减当年,笔者不禁想问:为何国产手机从来无法拉响这样的“抢购大战”?难道真的是“外来的和尚好念经”?国人对于iPhone 6的狂热。有人说是缘于虚荣心,
Since the world premiere of iPhone 6, people around the world set off a “snapped up boom.” Not only went to line up in Australia all night, but also caused the police force in Japan because of the purchase dispute. I do not know what kind of magic iPhone 6, so that people are so crazy? Once, the 17-year-old juvenile to sell the iPhone to buy iPhone news makes people heart palpitations, and now the iPhone 6 hot market is still diminishing year when I could not help wondering why mobile phones never made Ranging like this “big battle” Is it really “foreign monks are good sutra ” people for the iPhone 6’s fanatical. Some people say that is due to vanity,