加强科技管理 促进科技兴渔——在全区水产科技工作座谈会上的讲话

来源 :广西水产科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shamobingshan
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为了进一步加强科技工作管理、促进人才的成长、促进科技兴渔、促进科技救灾工作,努力完成今年全区渔业生产任务,区水产局决定召开这次水产科技工作座谈会。这次座谈会的主要任务是总结近年来全区水产科技工作的经验,分析当前科技兴渔的形势,进一步加强科技工作,促进科技与生产的紧密结合,为我区渔业不断登上新台阶做出新的贡献。现在,我就围绕会议的主要任务谈几点意见。 In order to further strengthen the management of scientific and technological work, promote the growth of talented people, promote the rejuvenation of science and technology and the promotion of scientific and technological relief work, and strive to accomplish the task of fishery production in the entire district this year, the District Bureau of Fishery decided to convene this forum on aquaculture scientific and technological work. The main task of this symposium was to summarize the experience of aquatic science and technology work in recent years in the whole region, to analyze the current situation of the rejuvenation of science and technology, to further strengthen the work of science and technology, to promote the close combination of science and technology and production and to continuously upgrade the fishery in our region to a new level Make new contributions. Now I will talk about the main tasks of the meeting to talk about.
二 第二章包括任意角的三角函数与三角函数的图象和性质两部分。主要内容是任意角的概念、弧度制、任意角三角函数的概念、诱导公式、同角三角函数间的关系,以及三角函数的
1.試証正弦定理 a/sin A=b/sin B=c/sin C。 証。如图1作AB的垂綫DC,因为封閉綫段在任意軸上的投影的代数和为零,又因为AB垂直于DC,其在DC上的投影为零;而AC在DC上的投影为b
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一九九五年十二二月十六日各位领导、各位嘉宾、同志们: 广西水产研究所在自治区党委、自治区人民政府的领导下,在自治区水产局与自治区科委的直接关怀下,今天,胜利地迎来了