不觉又是年关将至。世纪末其实也是一个普通的年份,在中国体育这座热闹的舞台上,依旧来来往往,你方唱罢我登场,几家欢乐几家愁。坚强桑兰:你现在还好吗? 1999,这只受伤的燕子回到了祖国。厄运是无法预计的,厄运之后却是可以选择的。桑兰的坚强、乐观感动着每一个人。回到北京,渐渐远离聚光灯,远离媒介的关注,和普通残疾人一样,在痛苦、忍耐、孤独之中拼争,为那遥远的希望。手指没有知觉,就靠肩、臂的力量练习打字,然后是学习使用微波炉、电冰箱、电视机,在海绵垫上挪动翻转身体,穿衣脱衣……桑兰原本要出席10月在天津举行的世锦赛,可想想那要惊动太多的人,不忍心给别人添麻烦的她还是留在了北京。“我想对所有关心我的人说,我一定要战胜伤病,努力找回自我……”这个甜甜的声音
Unconscious is the year approaching. In fact, the end of the century is also an ordinary year, in the lively stage of China’s sports, still coming and going, you sing me strike the stage, several happy a few unhappy. Strong Sang Lan: Are you OK? 1999, the injured swallow returned to the motherland. Doom is unpredictable, but doom is optional. Sunland’s strong, optimistic touched everyone. Returning to Beijing, gradually moving away from the spotlight and away from the attention of the media, it is like the ordinary disabled people who struggle in the pain, patience and loneliness for that distant hope. Fingers without perception, rely on the shoulder, arm strength typing practice, and then learn to use the microwave oven, refrigerator, TV, move the sponge pad to flip the body, dressing undress ... Sunland had to attend the October World Trade Organization in Tianjin Contest, you can think about that to disturb too many people, do not have the heart to give others trouble she still stayed in Beijing. “I want to say to all people who care about me, I must overcome the injury, and strive to recover myself ... ” This sweet voice