自1978年以来,法国的撑竿跳高运动员,在世界上总是名列前茅。并曾多次刷新了世界纪录。法国的撑竿跳高之所以一直处在高水平上,是与科学的训练计划分不开的。我们安排训练计划的特点是: 抓住撑竿跳高的特点,并根据其特点安排训练计划。为制定高水平的训练计划而精选每一个练习。通过教练员的心理教育,来保持运动员训练的高度积极性。下面谈的是一个高水平的运动员应具备的条件,需解决的问题,以及专项力量
Pole vault athletes in France have always been among the best in the world since 1978. And has repeatedly set a world record. The reason why the French pole vault has always been at a high level is inseparable from the scientific training program. The characteristics of our training programs are: to grasp the characteristics of pole vaults, and to arrange training programs according to their characteristics. Choose each exercise for a high level training program. Through the coach’s psychological education, to maintain the high enthusiasm of athletes training. The following is about a high-level athletes should have the conditions to be solved, as well as special forces