【摘 要】
The superconvergence of Multhopp’s discretization for the solution to the normal wash integral equation for the flow past a curved plate is theoretically analy
【机 构】
Department of Modern Mechanics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026,P.R.Chin
The superconvergence of Multhopp’s discretization for the solution to the normal wash integral equation for the flow past a curved plate is theoretically analyzed and numerically examined. It has been inferred that the Multhopp’s discretization also has a superconvergence behavior in simulating the vortex sheet evolution. Further, an improved Multhopp’s method is suggested and applied to the numerical simulation of a periodical evolution of a flat vortex sheet. To validate the results obained by the inviscid vortex method, the initial-value problem for the development of a shear layer at large Reynolds number is numerically investigated by solving the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
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