来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Mr_Law
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In this paper, the geometric structure and the mechanical characteristics of the sounding membrane (SM) are given, and the acting properties of the sounding movement of sM are revealed.SM is an elastic membrane with a non-linear structure. At contracting point, the elastic pressure and the rebounding force are about 0.146 N and 0.044 N, respectively. In the lower half, the rigidity of the convex-like shell increases obviously, its force constant is about 0.4 N/ram. In the upper half, the middle section of the three long ribs narrows, thickens and stiffens, with a breaking pressure of about 0.12N.The forced sounding movement of SM shows that the movement of SM travels along the membrane in the lower half from the contracting point and drives the three long ribs to buckle in turn and to produce a syllable to be basically the same as free song, that is, it consists of the three amplitude-modulation pulse trains of which the main peak frequency of the carrier wave is about 4.8 kHz. The buckling movement of In this paper, the geometric structure and the mechanical characteristics of the sounding membrane (SM) are given, and the acting properties of the sounding movement of sM are revealed. SM is an elastic membrane with a non-linear structure. At contracting point, the elastic pressure and the rebounding forces are about 0.146 N and 0.044 N, respectively. In the lower half, the rigidity of the convex-like shell increases obviously, its force constant is about 0.4 N / ram. section of the three long ribs narrows, thickens and stiffens, with a breaking sound of about 0.12N. The forced sounding movement of SM shows that the movement of SM travels along the membrane in the lower half from the contracting point and drives the three long ribs to buckle in turn and to produce a syllable to be basically the same as free song, that is, it consists of the three amplitude-modulation pulse trains of which the main peak frequency of the carrier wave is about 4.8 kHz. The buc kling movement of
现如今,实战搏击功夫拘泥于传统而有限的功防技能之中,你来我往,不能快速而巧妙将对手制服,使得胜败的结果也变得扑朔迷离。 Nowadays, combat combat martial arts adhere
艺术的魅力在于揭示瞬间。如何正确地、准确地揭示瞬间 ,它就像我们在影视表演艺术创作中的一面镜子 ,将会直接折射于我们最后所完成的银幕形象之中。电影、电视剧的表演因为
自觉性能提供推动力去使我们在职责上做到最好,更是推动我们达到目标的原动力。有自觉性的运动员会尽力去找寻每一种可能的合理途径来实现目标,然后享受成果。 过去十年间,
记得我曾经问过一个在川剧艺术上造诣很深并卓有成就的中年表演艺术家 ,是什么精神在支撑着他几十年如一日耕耘在川剧舞台上时 ,他想了一下告诉我说 :奉献。当时我的心一下子
The crystal and molecular structure of(u-C2H5S)[μ-CO-C(CH3)-CH2]Fe2(CO)6, Mr = 409.958 has been determined by X-ray diffraction method. Crystals of this compl