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在你备课的时候,会有一个让你萦绕于心,需要调动所有资源来整合的主题;在你发出的若干个提问中,会有一个足以牵一发而动全身的问题;在你进行练习题设计时,会有一个让你聚焦于此而无法回避的话题……这些散落于课堂教学中的主题、问题、话题……便是本文试图要拾起而加以研究 As you prepare for the lesson, there will be a theme that puts you in the middle of your heart and needs to mobilize all resources to integrate. There will be a question in your several questions that will affect your whole body; The design of the title, there will be a focus that you can not avoid the topic ... ... These scattered in the classroom teaching topics, problems, topics ... ... This is the article trying to pick up and study