做了几年的消防杂志美术编辑,接触过不少的消防摄影作品,其中不乏上乘之作。然而,总体上看,仍觉精品太少。 在摄影中,一个作品的完成最少要经过五个层次:事物本身、摄影者所见、相机和镜头所见、所得影像、观众所见。这五个层次是各不相同的,而且每个层次中都包含着许多变数。前者所见并不决定后者所得。事物本身是摄影者通过“见—想—感—悟”四个由视觉层次的逐级深入,认识层次的逐级升高,经过相机和镜头,按动快门而所得的影像,这时,观众才见到了拍摄者真正所表现的作品。
After several years of fire magazines art editors, exposed a lot of fire photography, many of whom are superior. However, on the whole, there are still too few products. In photography, the completion of a work through at least five levels: the thing itself, the photographer saw the camera and lens to see the resulting images, the audience saw. The five levels are different, and each level contains many variables. The former does not determine the latter’s income. Things themselves are the photographer through the “see - think - feeling - Wu” four from the visual level step by step, the level of awareness level by level, through the camera and lens, press the shutter and the resulting image, then, the audience Only to see the real performance of the photographer’s work.