The Way of Writing an Attractive Cover Letter Through Receptive Aesthetic Theory

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  【Abstract】 Receptive aesthetic Theory can be used to write a good cover letter.
  【Key words】cover letter; receptive aesthetic theory
  1. Introduction
  Receptive aesthetics appeared in Germany in 1960s, and its representatives are W. Iser and Hans Robert Jauss, who both think that aesthetic study should focus on the readers’ reception, reflection, reading process and readers’ aesthetic experiences, to study dynamic interaction among writers, works and readers, examining the aesthetic experiences in historical and social conditions. A well-written cover letter can arouse readers’ aesthetic sense plus interest to go on, which can probably ensure one’s future success in the job market.
  2. Definition of a cover letter
  Cover letter, is a letter sent along with other documents, especially on top of a résumé or curriculum vitae, as an introduction or a summary. A résumé, which gives priority to writing brevity as well as an applicant’s uniqueness, should by no means exceed one page long, including your name, address, cell phone number, education degree, working post, honors award, etc.. Curriculum vitae, in short form CV, looks as a shopping list on which are full of the things you have bought over the years. Cover letter, just like your good habit of washing hands before each meal, cannot be skipped in applying for a job.
  3. Ways of writing a cover letter through receptive aesthetic theory
  As a promising graduate, do you thirst for a job in an English-speaking country? You might speculate that after putting together your résumé or CV your work is done, but there’s still a very essential step left: the cover letter.
  Firstly, a cover letter should be short. A cover letter, no more than one page, is the first written material that the hiring staff reads.
  Secondly, a cover letter should be intriguing. A well-written cover letter can arouse a dynamic interaction between you and the hiring manager. A striking cover letter should produce a kind of beauty sense and interest, examining the hiring manager aesthetic experience in historical and social conditions, such as smooth writing, rich and unique life experiences, and so on, which encourages the hiring manager to turn the page and look at your application, instead of throwing it in the trash can. It’s extremely important to remember that the cover letter makes a first impression, so it’s vital to pay particular attention to your spelling, grammar, and readability. The cover letter is your good opportunity to show others your personality, interpret your experience, and explain to the employer why they should employ you.   Thirdly, a cover letter should be specific. Because the letter should be specific to the job vacancy, you don’t send the same letter to every company you want to go. Feel free to use similar ideas and wordings, but employers should not be able to tell that you erased another company’s name and wrote theirs in. Browse websites about the company which you wish to go before writing. You need to come across as interested, informed, and resourceful.
  Fourthly, a cover letter should be made more personal. Do what you can to make clear of the name of the individual who may make the decisions, and address it to him or her. Address it to a relevant job title: Dear Mr. Johnson, or Dear Ms. White, or Dear Hiring Manager, etc.
  4. Closing words
  A successful cover letter should be smooth, attractive, unique in an aesthetic perspective. Once you’ve written a cover letter, reread, reread, reread. Make it count! Currently, applications are often submitted by email or online. If you submit your letter in this way, submit it as a .pdf file rather than a .doc or .docx. This way, it looks cleaner and more professional. Soon, you’ll surely be on your way to the job interview!
【摘要】语境教学,是语言学习的基本方式之一,结合文章进行语言学习,有助于提升学生学习兴趣,构建良好课堂氛围。本文将结合对课堂的研究,具体分析初中英语课堂教学中的语境创设,总结共性与经验,探究有质量高水平的英语教学道路。  【关键词】初中英语;教育学;语境学习  【作者简介】符婷,江苏省淮北中学。  在语言学习中,语境是不可或缺的,得当的语境营造,可以提升学习速度、提高学习质量,让语言学习变得事半功
【摘要】新时代背景下,“以学生为中心”的教育教学模式愈发受到重视。大学英语作为高等教育里的必修课,对于提高学生的语言技能、知识技能以及情感输入都有着举足轻重的作用。如何提高学生自主学习能力,提高学生学习积极性是亟需解决的关键问题。本文探讨项目式教学法在大学英语课堂上的应用实践。  【關键词】项目式教学;大学英语;探索  一、引言  我国高校实现从精英教育逐渐向大众化教育的转变的过程中,培养应用型人
【摘要】时代的发展和进步让线上教学日渐走入教育领域,并在引导学生学习主动性方面发挥着重要作用,实现了教学质量的提升。小学英语教师需要对线上教学技术予以灵活应用,激发学生的学习乐趣,让学生的英语学习攀上新的高峰。  【关键词】小学英语;线上教学;自主学习  【作者简介】殷雪瑶,江苏省镇江市京口区中山路小学。  科学技术的进步改变了人们的生活方式,也改变了传统教育形式,线上教学已经成为教育领域所关注和
【摘要】词汇是英语学习的基础。而在积累词汇时,同义词的掌握尤为重要。 然而,目前大多数语言学习者缺乏掌握同义词的有效方法。本研究以华南师范大学大一学生为研究对象,在网上问卷调查和数据分析的基础上,以necessary和essential两个同义词为例,旨在分析影响语言学习者掌握同义词的因素,探讨掌握同义词的方法,以获得同义词教学启示。  【关键词】词汇积累;同义词掌握;教学启示  【作者简介】徐诗
2012年3月28日,“驼峰航线”首航70周年纪念仪式在昆明郊野公园驼峰飞行纪念碑前举行。云南省政协副主席曾华、美国驻成都总领事何孟德、美国驻华大使馆武官史达伟、英国驻重庆总领事馆副总领事马培迪出席了仪式,在纪念碑前默哀并敬献了花圈。几位“飞虎队”及远征军老兵也齐聚昆明,在驼峰飞行纪念碑前追忆那段烽火连天的往事。  与此相比,5月初在云南省怒江州贡山县丙中洛乡举行的驼峰坠机搜寻队第二期搜寻活动,就
这是一条沿着中俄边境额尔古纳河前进的边境小路,全程200多公里。从内蒙古自治区额尔古纳市的黑山头镇出发,沿着2012年新修的边境公路向北行进,途经室韦、莫尔道嘎,最后到达终点临江屯。  骑行在仅6米宽的边境公路上,来自西伯利亚的风夹杂着独特的边境风光和民族风情扑面而来。在临江屯,平静的月亮泡子仿佛是跌落草原的月亮;莫尔道嘎有国内面积最大的森林公园,这片寒温带原始森林是大兴安岭观赏红叶的最佳地点;室
【摘要】英语是中职阶段重要的公共基础课程,关系到学生综合素质的养成。在传统的中职英语教学中,教师更多地关注学生的语言技能、思维等的培养,而对学生英语学习兴趣、情感等关注不足,这也是当前英语学习常常处于被忽视状态的原因之一。在中职英语教学中运用情感教学,通过情境创设、互动教学模式、兴趣引导、情感共鸣等多种情感教学形式,帮助学生掌握并关注英语学习。  【关键词】中职英语;情感教学;学习兴趣  【作者简
高黎贡山的南方丝绸之路又称“蜀身毒道”,它带来了万千财富,也吞噬了无数商人的生命;  作为二战中海拔最高的战场,中日军队在山中血战数月,中国军队抵挡住了子弹、吸血蚂蝗、夺命冻雨的攻击,而日军则被迫吃人肉充饥;  山中马帮至今有着无数禁忌,他们认为山中举头三尺有山神,说错一句话就可能死无葬身之地。  公元前4世纪开通的南方丝绸之路,在云南保山拐了个弯后,便一头扎进了高黎贡山。山中本来没有路,但马帮和
【摘要】农村初中学生在英语学习方面两极分化严重,处理好英语学习中的师生关系,可以使优生更优、差生变优。如何建立新型的师生关系,是初中英语教学的重头戏。笔者在日常英语教学中努力做到热爱学生、尊重学生、鼓励学生,用多种教学手段激发学生学习英语的兴趣,在英语教学中建立和谐的师生关系。  【关键词】师爱;教学方法;灵活多样;激励;希望和梦想  【作者简介】耿婕,山东省滨州市邹平市孙镇初级中学。  著名教育
对于大多数人来说,西藏是片有着太多神秘,太多向往的地方。而拉萨,作为这片神秘之地的心脏,在这里更是沉淀下了无数的历史和美丽。如果说,拉萨是一把理解西藏的钥匙,那么,寺庙和喇嘛则是一把理解拉萨的钥匙。因此,要触及拉萨的灵魂,必须首先要走进拉萨的寺庙,走近缥缈的梵音和修行的喇嘛。  从成都到拉萨,一路跋山涉水,我们终于抵达了心中的圣地。在这里,迎接我们的不仅有高原的阳光,彩色的经幡,还有令人眼花缭乱的