坐式十二段锦,是一套非常适合中老年人强身健体的功法。此套功法有十二段,每段动作都针对身体某个部位进行锻炼,虽然是坐式但对下肢锻炼的动作也很充分,全身各个关节部位都可以得到锻炼。动作简单易学、易练、易记,健身效果却非常明显。坚持练习能增进健康,使人精力充沛、延年益寿。对慢性病有十分良好的康复效果。 锻炼前在床上端坐,先做几次深呼吸,呼吸要自然、平稳,悠悠吸气,轻轻呼气。在练的过程
Seated twelve sections of Kam, is a set of very suitable for the elderly physical exercises. This set of exercises has twelve paragraphs, each action is for a body part of the exercise, although it is seated but the action of the lower limbs is also very adequate exercise, all parts of the body can get exercise. Easy to learn action, easy to practice, easy to remember, but the effect is very obvious. Adhere to practice can improve health, make people energetic, longevity. Chronic diseases have a very good recovery effect. Sit in bed before exercising, do a few deep breaths first, take your breath naturally, smoothly, take a deep breath and gently exhale. In the process of practicing