Taking Japonica hybrid rice 2 as the research object, under the condition of basically the same climate and production technology, the effect of planting density under two kinds of high and medium fertile land plots was studied. The results showed that the planting density of different fertility plots had different effects on rice yield. The densities of transplanting medium-high fertility plots were higher than those of high-fertility plots, and the highest density of high-fertilization plots was 285,000 pl / hm2 According to the analysis of the correlation between the density and the yield components, the correlation between the planting density and the effective panicles, the percentage of spikelets, the number of grains per spike, the percentage of seed set, the total number of stems and tillers, the biomass, Economic coefficient, plant height, sowing date, the whole growth period and other related, and regular changes, and 1000 grain weight is not closely related.