【出 处】
Since the 1960s, most cities in developing countries have faced a high rate of urbanization, which in turn has caused more harm to low-income earners, in urban
<正> 现代神经心理学的研究表明,人的不同形式的认识活动,始终是在人脑的三个主要机能系统的共同参与下实现的。这三个主要机能系统包括:调节张力或觉醒的机能系统;接受、加工、保持来自外界信息的机能系统;计划、调节、控制心理活动的机能系统。而人的感性认识
The statistical energy analysis (SEA) was used in the acoustical design of an electrical emergency plant to reduce the outdoor noise level. In the past, when th
The Amazonian economic occupation over the last forty years has been extremely harmful to the environment and to the traditional populations. One of the strateg
Within the European Union (EU) a paradigm shift is currently occurring in the waste sector, where EU waste directives and national waste strategies are placing
The objective of this study is to reveal the negative impacts of the practices of acadjas on the Aheme lake in Benin. Various material and methods were used for
Dynamic Behavior of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives after Oils Spill in Water
Within the framework of Migr’Hycar research project, the fate of oil spill was studied with the aim to characterize their physical-chemical behaviour. For this