赣南保健药枕厂是赣县湖江乡一家只有27名职工的乡办企业,单1993年的总产值就比前一年翻了八番,获得了可喜的经济效益,促进了企业不断兴旺发达。那么,该厂是怎样振兴的呢?实践证明,他们走的一条是科技兴厂之路,是科学技术给这个厂插上了经济腾飞的翅膀。 1991年冬,该厂利用本乡栽桑养蚕多的资源优势,把养蚕的废弃物——“蚕砂”变废为宝。根据蚕砂具有“去头昏除湿气”之神功的原理,以及当地群众用蚕砂做枕头的传统习惯,收集蚕砂,制成枕芯,以每个13.60元的价格投放市场,颇受当地群众的欢迎和喜
Weinan Health Medicine Pillow Factory is a township-owned enterprise with only 27 employees in Hujiang Town, Pixian County. Its 1993 output value has quadrupled from the previous year. It has obtained encouraging economic benefits and promoted the continuous prosperity of the company. developed. Then, how did the factory revitalize? Practice has proved that one of them is to take the road of science and technology to build a factory, and science and technology have given this plant a wings of economic growth. In the winter of 1991, the plant made use of the resource advantages of the many sericulture, mulberry, and silkworm rearing techniques of the township to turn the waste of silkworm rearing, “silkworm sand”, into treasure. According to the principle of silkworm sand having the “godhead fainting and dehumidification” and the traditional habit of local people making pillows from silkworm sand, silkworm sand was collected and pillows were made and put on the market at a price of 13.60 yuan each, which is quite popular in the local area. The people’s welcome and joy