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随着社会主义市场经济的发展和城市化进程的不断加快,作为城市基层社会结构主体的社区及社区党建,在组织基础、功能定位、素质能力等方面出现了诸多不适应。面临构建和谐河北和实现更快更好发展这两大任务,必须从建立健全相关机制入手,解决社区党建工作中存在的突出问题,消除种种不适应,切实推动社区党建工作深入开展。创新组织形式,建立健全以社区党组织为核心的社区组织体系。当前,社区职能已拓展到融城市发展、城市管理、社会服务、社会保障等于一体,相应地社区党组织承担的任务也趋于多样化,必然要求其组织形式多样化。实际工作中,既要重视社区层次的 With the development of the socialist market economy and the accelerating process of urbanization, the community and community party organizations that are the mainstay of the urban grass-roots social structure have encountered many problems in terms of organizational foundation, functional orientation and quality and ability. Facing the two tasks of building a harmonious Hebei and achieving faster and better development, we must start with establishing and perfecting relevant mechanisms, resolving the outstanding problems existing in party building in the community, eliminating all kinds of incommensurate and earnestly pushing forward the party building in the community. Innovate organizational forms and establish and improve a community organization system with community party organizations as the core. At present, the functions of the community have been extended to integrate urban development, urban management, social services and social security into one. Correspondingly, the tasks undertaken by the community party organizations also tend to be diversified, which inevitably requires the diversification of their organizational forms. In actual work, we should pay attention to community level
文章分析了高校图书馆作为教学和科研服务的学术性机构必须树立服务意识、增强服务观念,提升馆员素质的可行性途径和方法。 This paper analyzes the feasibility and appro
3月11日,2010年全省公务员考录工作部署会议在济南召开。会议主要任务是:学习讨论省委组织部、省人力资源社会保障厅《关于2010年全省考试录用公务员有关问题的通知》, Marc
汪桥电路是经过多年探讨而研制的新型BTL 电路,它简洁新颖而独特,解决了音响设计和制作中的许多难点,如放大器不再依赖“大环牛”、“大水塘”去实现“超动态”、“超低音”
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