一九五一年十一月人民教育出版社綱印的初中外國歷史課本第二章在‘資本主義産生前夜的歐洲’一篩中,對於‘三十年宗教戰爭’這個比較重要的史實,僅在三十八到三十九頁間提了三四句,似顯過於簡略,有欠扼要具體。本文擬從幾方面把這段史實作比较具體說明補充。如有不正確之處,尚望讀者切實指正。引言 關於這次戰爭的簡單說明 這次戰爭不是一個單純的戰爭,亦不止三十年,所謂三十年戰爭實際只是由一六一八到一六六○的四十二年戰爭中,以日耳曼做戰場的一段。這是同時發生的兩個不同的戰爭牽連在一起,都以日耳曼做戰場。第一種戰爭是法國與西班牙為爭奪萊茵河地區的戰爭。西班牙與奥大利的哈布斯堡家有密切的聯系,而法國也與日耳曼的新教諸侯接近。因之,日耳曼就做了西法的戰場。第二種戰爭是由於丹麥、瑞典的興起,它們為了掌握波羅的海各港口,與日耳曼就展開了鬥爭。日耳曼內部的戰爭首先結束(一六三五),但其国土上的國際戰爭則一直繼續到一六四八年,法西間單獨作戰直到一六五九年,波羅的海方面的戰爭更一直繼續到一六六○年。
The second chapter of junior middle school history textbooks printed by the People’s Education Press in November 1951 In Chapter Two, “the eve of capitalism in Europe,” the more important historical evidence of the “thirty-year religious war” Between thirty-eight and thirty-nine mentions three or four sentences, it seems to be too brief and less than specific. This article intends to make some concrete explanations for this historical fact from several aspects. If not correct, is still hope that readers correct me. Introduction A brief account of the war This war is not a mere war, nor is it more than 30 years. The so-called 30-year war actually consisted of a battlefield with Germanic forces from 1618 to 1660 in the 42-year war A paragraph. It was a combination of two different wars that took place at the same time, all in Germanic battlefields. The first is the war between France and Spain over the Rhine. Spain and Austria Habsburg home are closely linked, and France and the German Protestant princes close. As a result, Germantz made the battle of Western France. The second war was due to the rise of Denmark and Sweden, which fought Germans in order to master the Baltic ports. The war inside Germany was first ended (1635), but the international war on its territory continued into 1648 until the war between the West came to 1659 and the Baltic war continued even further One six six years.